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A hybrid event is a mix between an online event and a face-to-face event. The combination of these two oppositions has meant a change in the world of events: a new upward trend, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, which is here to stay. You can read all about hybrid events and their characteristics in our Blog article: What is a Hybrid Event and how to organize it?
This type of event requires taking into account the characteristics of an online and an offline event: spaces with a good Internet connection, projector, screen, sound systems, etc. There are many elements that have to be coordinated within the same space for the hybrid event to be successful.
On Spathios sabemos la importancia de este tipo de eventos para las empresas y corporaciones, es por eso que tenemos los mejores espacios para realizar tu evento híbrido en Barcelona. Así pues, contamos con la mejor selección de locales y salas para garantizar el éxito de este tipo de evento: espacios pequeños, medianos o grandes, según la necesidad y las particularidades de cada acontecimiento.
We have a perfect space for each type of event: hybrid events, online events and offline events. With our search engine you can filter by the parameters that best suit your needs: area, size, capacity, special equipment and all kinds of features that will be the success insurance of your celebration.
Easily find the best venues for your event, whether it is an online, offline or hybrid event, compare prices and check if there is availability for the selected dates. In addition, you will be able to analyze the file to see its characteristics and services, and see the opinions of other users. Make the reservation 100% online and instantly secure the rental of the best room for your event!